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Widget Developer Guide

Sophtron Widget

We call the Alice widget Sophtron and it can be easily embedded in your own application with just one line of code. The widget will let user link their financial accounts and handle the end-to-end user login process and MFA interactions for you.


After user links their financial accounts the widget will make a call back to your application's API to provide you the financial data.


Step 1: Follow sample code from Github Source Code


Step 2: Sign up here for an account.


Step 3: Replace UserId and AccessKey in the web configuration file with your developer account's UserId and Accesskey listed on the Developer Profile.


Step 4: Set up the Integration Callback Url in Developer Profile to tell Sophtron where to call back after user links her financial account.


Step 5: Embed Sophtron Widget in your application's html code:


Step 6: Handle the call back in your application.

You can go directly to our Demo page to try out the widget.

Test Accounts

We provide test accounts for each MFA type to facilitate implementation of integration.


1. Security Question. Choose "Sophtron Bank SecurityQuestion" as InstitutionName. Use dummy credentials and dummy security answer to pass MFA prompt.


2. Multiple Security Questions. Choose "Sophtron Bank SecurityQuestion Multiple" as InstitutionName. Use dummy credentials and dummy security answers to pass MFA prompt.


3. Token. Choose "Sophtron Bank Token" as InstitutionName. Use dummy credentials and dummy token input to pass MFA prompt.


4. Token to read out. Choose "Sophtron Bank TokenRead" as InstitutionName. Use dummy credentials and dummy token input to pass MFA prompt.


5. Captcha Image. Choose "Sophtron Bank Captcha" as InstitutionName. Use dummy credentials and dummy captcha input to pass MFA prompt.


6. No MFA. Choose "Sophtron Bank NoMFA" as InstitutionName. Use dummy credentials.


7. Combined MFA prompts. Choose "Sophtron Bank" as InstitutionName. Use dummy credentials and dummy MFA answers to pass MFA pormpt.

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